Monday, September 20, 2010

Using Color Therapy Glory In Our Name

Let us take time, and imagine a world in gray at all, no black or white, without color or shadows, just gray. Under Gray, gray above, gray in front, and even in the presence of gray. Actually, how do we know what happened or where is down? Gray did not have a feel for nuance or contrast, no brightness or darkness, but a union monoton across space. First of all we feel will be static, motionlessness total. There is no warmth or chilliness, no emotion or perspective.Therefore, as space will not affect our emotions as viewers, and even depression as one might think. If we are going to spend time in the gray space, we really will lose our consciousness, our emotional lives and our experience and ability to think. We have lived here, no light or dark, only the motionlessness and lifelessness. Fortunately, it is not our world.

Now, let's move out of the gray world, and into a different world altogether. A new world of lightand darkness, with the whole spectrum of the rainbow, including all the shadows, the contrast of warm and cool, light and heavy, light and dark, up and down, with movement and depth, and most importantly, with life. When we come back to our world, we restore our distinguishability and awareness, the ability to feel and experience, and of course the ability to think.

So how precisely the cause wonders in the world which are marked with all the rainbow colors where there is life with allmay, in contrast with the world colorless and lifeless? However, we usually take the color in our world simply does not include hold our sympathy or antipathy for one color or another. To answer it, and to know how the world's color really affect us significantly, we will take one color at a time, and try to reflect on this:

Red-hot anger Color
Walking into the Red column, we will feel as though we are getting hot. Bloodrush faster and stronger throughout our body, our credit will increase and our hearts will be strong punch. At a certain level we feel we are close to the Red room, it's hard to breathe.

Emotional aspects, we will feel fear and terror, as if being attacked by something, to run for our lives, or kneel for prayer request.
Spiritual aspects, it can be said that our warm red color, speed of blood flow, open the blockage in the body, soul and spirituallevel, teach us to kneel and pray for the divine. Red movement is strong in front of the exhibition.

Lazuardi cold environment

And now, let us enter the room painted all Blue, and stay there for a while. Here, we will begin to feel normal physiological sensations. Slowly chillness will penetrate the bone, we will be shivering and seizures, and blood will flow more slowly, and we will find ourselves in the angle decreases, frozen.
Emotional aspects, we will feel foreign andlonely, as if we are alone in the world, covering the amplop closed, while sorrow seep into our souls. 'S move is introversion and Blue konvergensi, wrapping from the outside, dark on the edge more and more clear in the center. That's why when he saw it, always will pull out of us.

Spiritual-Blue introduces aspects of human consciousness perspective, near and far, creating a space that will prevent feelings claustrophobe, I'll give the mantle bychrome dark fringes. Blue is the color of life, teaches us about slavery, or we all will be enclosed in our own autism. Blue helps us to bring ourselves and connect to the world.

Yellow Menyilaukan

Imagine we enter the same room, only now it's spread a strong Lemon Yellow. instinctive feelings are of bedazzlement. We already like to wear sunglasses, but nothing like it in the Yellow room, and while the Yellow giving shares. Thatemit strongly at our end of the nerve becomes irritated and torn from our eyes, the blood will be in a hurry to help nerve yelling resort, muscles and joints will get the momentum of blood rich in oxygen, leading to a rush of internal body activities, in order to overcome intense light.
aspects of emotional arousal-yellow, happy, open, light. That can lead to hysteria in contact too long.

Yellow-spiritual aspects of the light penetratingdarkness, light thinking. Yellow is transmitting the motion from the outside, in a straight line as the Pales color on the side, opposite the Blue movement. If external, it transmits to us as motions of the sun rays and come to the front, added color to be seen as dark fell at sunset. Yellow radiation brings us back to ourselves, then we get sense of "I".

These are the three basic colors, Red, Blue and Yellow. Third transmitting characters.Combine them all to create a rainbow of colors and their shadows.

Green - created by combining the Blue and Yellow

Green has in it a colorful mixture of different strengths. Introvert Blue wraps, and emits yellow inside out, introverted and ekstrovert. They both go together in Green, we see the world, especially in the vegetative. Ninety-nine feel Green is known, from yellowish green to bluish green. Green did not have the anger and hysteria Yellow quickly, notthere is a sadness Blue melankolis and extreme cold.
With the balance to make slow motion, to support peace. Green has a passivity.

Purple-made by combining red and blue

Purple is the Silent Voice, creating a calm environment and dignifying, brings us closer to a higher domain.

For physical-therapy. Sore throat or pain will be reduced by saputangan purple silk. Purple brightness of the relaxed and supportive meditationframe of mind, and when it is too dark can cause fear. This is regarded as the color of old people, so it would be better not to expose young children to the best in clothing or in their room to grow in Purple has many warm darkness, and some of the chilliness of light. At the physical level of Purple is the color of the release. This brings something from the future, resulting in a serious sense and courtesy. This is the color we see in places holy priestPurple dress, wearing a velvet Purple good article. This is definitely a color that produces in us a memory of something bigger than us, and the feeling of responsibility for the spiritual world, which is sometimes difficult to bear. This gives us a moral that is in the religious sense.

Orange, made by combining Red and Yellow

Orange is the color of specific nutrients. It has mengkilat character, the strong, heartens, motivate, excite and delight us. Inphysical level is to strengthen and build up your hearts, and on the emotional level of thrill and joy. In the spiritual strength of a man giving iron and provides a guide to the courage of the heart.

Purple, blue, and consists of Red, and Yellow, bringing all three basic colors and create a perfect experience and satisfaction.

Complimentary Colors benefits

Red and Green

Green is the color Red komplementer together they createthird base colors: Green, created by the Blue and Yellow, and Red. Additional colors, such as spouses, often providing a feeling of balance and satisfaction. In this Case, Red accelerate human activity, while Green led feel calm and peace. Together they are the pictures from all active life force in all living creatures.

Purple, yellow and

Color komplementer's Yellow Purple. Yellow, as we see, emit strong from the outside and inside, activate thenervous system, and the rise of light, light is light wind, so it is self-awareness. Purple is the color of the release and guide the moral and religious feelings. Together they create a picture of the past and the future act together. Yellow to work on our minds and act on the ego and desire Purple.

Orange and Blue-

Orange has a lot of hot colors, mengkilap and shiny, made by the Red and Yellow. To give courage to the hearts and strengthens the heart, which isnutritious and fun colors. Energik Orange is the color of moving quickly, without center or edge of, continues to grow. This is Energik, attractive and sprightly. This is very important for humanity today. Blue is the color komplementer's Orange, Orange moderate's strength. Together they form a pair of strong, leading man to the scope of the courage and dedication, and Joy.

This is the main color and their properties. In short we can see at a glancethat color is not only dekoratif or outdated elements, but also has great significance for the high life in this world. Colors can affect or improve, if we know how to use it wisely and sensitive.

Tips for the design and use of color

Plan to use color more than simply increase the visual environment of space. This is really asking to strengthen, encourage, and create harmony to fit a particular space. To achieve the planned settlementaccurate passes all the requirements, several factors should be considered: size and proportion of quality ceiling space, width, etc.; Flynn-for children or adults, home or office, etc.; Energetic any means, king of space activities will continue, events and performance, motivation and ambition, focus and alertness, pleasure and play, or peace and spirituality.

After defining all the factors in the face, and learn a thing or two about the meaning of color, we willwant to sample some way use the correct colors in the design world:

1. Park Young-colors that are appropriate for the individual characteristics of children should be used. Age, sex type, temperamen, and more. For young children not to burden too many colors. Soft pastel colors will create a soft atmosphere, the material emits warmth. During the age of seven a color palette is more varied and more powerful can be added. At this age a person candetermine whether the child has active temperamen or calm a nervous or passive. An active child will benefit from relaxation, such as the fact the Red or Orange color, which is influenced by the color-color komplementer, Green and Blue.

A child tends to be quiet and passive to take advantage of colors like green, blue and magenta, the color that they komplementer, Red and Orange, will provide children with a drive that is more active (workingas in homeopathic medicine).

2. Study and work rooms are a lot of concentration and peace of mind is required, which can be achieved by using a bright yellow that will sharpen the mind, and in addition to a variety of colors in certain areas, in order to encourage creativity and mental action. If the room has natural light into the better use of Yellow Butter until light and color will not be too hard, and if the room dark or Cadmium Yellow Lemon will add light andthe warmth. Artistic article or active posters with different colors will provide a high concentration and performance.

3. Office-plan office space should correspond to the type of work done on it. If being used by the boss and his team, or is regularly visited by outsiders. Employees must have a quiet room in a quiet color, more homogeneous, with some encouraging, happy and warm character color patches. By drawingreflect the type of work done in the office, as a motivating reminder, posters of nature or landscape can be used as colorful windows in strategic locations, release and the rise of the boring moments. High-tech office space can make and add a touch of modern color contrasts with chillness technology.
Office to receive those who can use the colorfulness more variable, the walls in various colors, pictures and colorful posters with various themeswill help people to find the flowers while you wait.

4. Various rooms such as living-room, as well as the selected color to the walls, curtains and furniture, posters of color in the room to form links between different elements in it, to taste perfection. Poster can be used as a color palette that is used to room design. A room full of color and selebratif will match the bonding and social environment. Apalette will feel relaxed fit with more solid, leading a quiet conversation, reading and social Games.
Restaurant-Red will raise appetite, great pictures, great patterns, and clearly the writing of the menu and the selected color image will help serving dinner to choose their own.

5. Hotel-Zimmers or painting on the wall add charm and fun for the holiday, binding color rooms create a harmonious society.

6. Pub or Club, whichpeople meet to drink and find entertainment, to forget their daily routine, socializing and fellowship. Darker colors such as Titanium, Black, Red and Burgundy to match. dim light color will help create a mysterious atmosphere and the aroma of luxury. A large-scale posters with large patterns as projected color will do wonders for your mood.

7. Colorfulness of medical institutions and the fine will encourage many immigrants. Paintings of nature,landscape and flower will contribute to produce the normal sense of life and space, lift mood and give hope and encouragement, which is very important both for visitors from the medical board.

It is only fair to say that sometimes you just feel like for the brush and start painting impulsive, but if we assume that this incident will control us for years to come until we decided to draw again, encouraged to think in advance, and select a colorcare. This way we will enjoy a room where the same color and design language, and will benefit from the colors spectacular features.

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

5 Ways to Make Better Color Advertising Poster

Stop bad print posters on track! In the five-step guide, I will teach you how to improve your print posters and make sure they do not look bad once printed. This is a process that is relatively easy to stop making bad poster and make a good start. First, let's see how you can increase the effects of specific design for a poster to print a lot better.

1. Use of light and shadow effects - Light and shadow are important design details. This is notonly the effect of pure dekoratif. These add a little realism to print a poster design for most of the cable's hard to see these things.

Without light and shadow, a picture will not look real. There will be something missing that makes people think the photo is fake and actually built. This lead to adverse effects. So, make sure you add soft shadows and lighting effects to add realism to the plan.

2. Add a gradient to the background and the object - Otherlight and shadow, color gradients are also very important. Using color gradients instead of the first background-color poster design makes a little more attractive and professional. This adds a certain texture of the color poster that actually gives more credibility and professionalism. Do this for your background. There will be no doubt that you will come to the output is not too bad at all.

3. Making things simple andclear - an important sign of a good poster is simple and clear design. This is intended to convey something to people, especially men. If this communication is prohibited or hampered by the complicated and complex picture that people have is the time to digest this will be bad for the posters. This is an important reason for you to adopt simple and clear message that people can easily understand. The easier the understanding of your color posters, the betterad poster you should.

4. Add shine and gloss for printing - We come to printing, is the best option really counted. Aims to post a poster with a thick layer of Glossy paper to the booth. Make sure the paper is protected from moisture and dirt to make it more durable. This should allow your output looks good and noble to take much longer because they convey your message.

5. Use models to make eye contact - Finally, every timepossible, always try to use the model to make eye contact. When you design a person who stares directly at the point the reader, it is probable that people would steal a glance at the models for a few seconds. This is the natural reaction to something that stares at us, and therefore, people will watch. So try to integrate the concept of design to make you look bad output better.

Now you know how to make a color poster look better. Answer Luck!

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wonderful Wormy (Posters to Color)

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Where To Buy Posters of World Wars I and II CD-ROM and Book (Dover Full-Color Electronic Design)

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I ordered this book to help me teach my propaganda unit in English 10. It is perfect. I took the disc to Kinkos to make ten posters (the copyright says you can make 10 per project, so Kinkos was willing). They turned out very nice, and my students enjoyed the "propaganda museum" in the hallway. I highly recommend this book for those interested in teaching propaganda, WWI & II history, or just those people who enjoy "vintage" art!
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The Unofficial Reference To Collecting Everything Batman (Volume 2)

±1±: Now is the time The Unofficial Reference To Collecting Everything Batman (Volume 2) Order Today!

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Aug 30, 2010 13:51:25
The ultimate reference guide to all products Batman. Volume 1 covers 3300 items, A-G, volume 2 covers covers the rest with another 2800 listings. Every item has a description including year it was produced, manufacturer and prices. Each one also has a full color image. This book covers every aspect of collecting the bat. It is aimed at the hard-core fan, be it action figures, socks or tortilla chips, it's all here.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Shop For American Circus Posters

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The poster examples span from the last decade of the 19th century to the 1930s and include different shows, not just Ringling & Barnum. There are wonderful images of polar bears, seals, oriental wrestlers, an assortment of Africa animals, goofy machines, and of course, your typical acrobats, trained horses, exotic costumes, and clowns. The art beautifully preserves the lithograph look. The pages are fine enough to frame if you choose. A brief paragraph is included with each poster for reference, date, history about the circus, etc.
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Shop For Posters of World Wars I and II CD-ROM and Book (Dover Full-Color Electronic Design)

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I am a graphic designer and bought this book for inspiration. I use this book to make ads and banners similar to the awesome posters used for propaganda and to enlist young minds into the service. I love the original artwork and how most of the artists names are recognized under their work, makes it easy to find on the C.D. This book is for anyone who loves vintage artwork and seeks to broaden their creativity. As you can see from the cover, it contains plenty of posters. Two on each page. The book is paperback and can lay flat if you need to scan it for any project. Each picture is 6 1/2 by 4 3/4 inches with plenty of detail. This book is a good addition to any art collection.
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Quality color documents - get your message across without spending a lot. Listen to customer testimonials.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Buy The Complete "Masters of the Poster": All 256 Color Plates from "Les Maitres De L'Affiche" (Dover Pictorial Archive Serie

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An an interior designer and a collector of antique posters, I completely rely on this book. Roger Marx brings to us an amazing selection of posters ranging from whimsical prints to dramatic and romantic pieces as well as thorough information on each piece. Featured on the cover is my most treasured posession.
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Buy Posters of World Wars I and II CD-ROM and Book (Dover Full-Color Electronic Design)

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Downloading the CD Rom images is easy and making color copies or transparencies for overhead projections. Using the latter in your classroom will enhance your lessons on the World Wars, especially the broad range samples of Homefront propaganda and culture. The students seeing these poster works in rich colors beats the drab B&W or smaller textbook facsimile inserts. Show it to them while playing a CD recording of George M. Cohan's "Over There" for a real memorable effect! My Eighth graders will surely remember this.
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Order Modern Dog: 20 Years of Poster Art

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I am a professional freelance artist who specializes in poster design, and I found this book to be a wonderfully inspiring collection.

No two posters look alike; each have their own distinctive feel and approach and the stories behind them are equally interesting. I had never heard of Modern Dog before, and now I wonder where they've been all my life.

A throughly solid art book, I wish it had been twice as long!
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: Life and Work (Art in Focus (Konemann))

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Aug 24, 2010 10:19:05
Art/Architecture in Focus. The titles in this practical series of monographs are substantial paperbacks, exciting leisure reading, and usefull reference works all in one. They are not only far more informative than any museum brochure, but also help art lovers avoid any embarrassing lapses of memory in conversation. Peppered with numerous illustrations and texts that cover contemporary history, biographical information and artistic works, these mini art guides offer a compact overview of some of the most exceptional artists in history.

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±1±: Best Buy Very short, concise, not what you're looking for if you want an "art book" but useful as a very quick read on Sale!

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Order The Complete "Masters of the Poster": All 256 Color Plates from "Les Maitres De L'Affiche" (Dover Pictorial Archive Ser

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Nice quality with large reproductions, nice heavyweight pages, and great color. Full of inspiring figurative artwork, graphic design, and lettering from a time and place when more work by hand and individual style made it into advertising.
Get more detail about The Complete "Masters of the Poster": All 256 Color Plates from "Les Maitres De L'Affiche" (Dover Pictorial Archive Series).

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Shop For Modern Dog: 20 Years of Poster Art

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Great samples of poster art, but many of the images are small. Aside from the introductory essay, the book is thin on copy. On the other hand, most of the posters selected speak well for themselves. I bought Modern Dog along withNew Master's of Poster Design: Poster Design for the Next Century, and New Poster Art. As a group, I think they represent modern poster design well.
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Where To Buy American Circus Posters

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Wow, this book of circus posters is amazing! I love the old circus and needed to find good illustrations for an elaborate tattoo. I can't stop flipping through the pages. Anyone will enjoy this book!
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Purchase Modern Dog: 20 Years of Poster Art

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This is a very entertaining book from a group of very talented designers at Modern Dog. I heard the founders of Modern Dog being interviewed by Debbie Millman= and thoroughly enjoyed listening to the Modern Dog story. I highly recommend this book to all fans of the protest poster, and hilarious graphic communication.
Get more detail about Modern Dog: 20 Years of Poster Art.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

LVL 104 {the blush of our lives}

I'm so sorry I didn't get this episode uploaded yesterday, guys! I had a migraine and ended up going home to sleep for about 6 hours. But here it is! Please comment and let me know if you like it! School is starting again for the high schoolers of Las Vegas. Fritz and Shayne are seen in an assembly on the first day of the Spring semester. Delilah, however, managed to miss the assembly because she spent the morning hanging out with Axel. As she finally goes to class, Delilah sees Deacon in the hallway and is taken aback. She remembers back to one night when they made out in a kitchen when they were dating. Oooo yes, Delilah once dated Deacon, but he cheated on her with Shayne. Delilah went on to break up with him, and she was hurt very badly by the whole situation, but she never told Shayne that she knew what happened. Later that day, Raleigh arrives back in town from her trip, and Shayne and Axel are there to pick her up. As she is talking to them, she turns around and they see their mother coming through the airport. Why has she arrived back in town? Has she "found" herself? After she gets home, Shayne tries calling Fritz to tell him that her mom is back in town, but he's a little busy being hung over and misses her call. He's still trying to deny his feelings for Shayne, and he's choosing to drown his worries with alcohol now. Shayne leaves him a message. He checks the voicemail, but doesn't bother calling her back. Now that Raleigh is back in town, she gets the notion ...

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Order Fashion Sketchbook (Posters to Color)

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I did not like it. I don't think it is a good example for fashion designing or for a sketching book. And only little kids like "Barbie" and then they can't even use the book because the parents are afraid they will write on the walls and furniture. NOT A GOOD BOOK.
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Order Posters of World Wars I and II CD-ROM and Book (Dover Full-Color Electronic Design)

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This book is exactly what I expected; a catalog of posters that I can manipulate for my own purposes. I bought this with the thought of printing out posters for a Veteran's Day dinner. Many of these images will be just the ticket for the wide variety of ages who'll see these on display. For some, it'll evoke memories, for many others, it will be the first viewing. I do wish there had been mini-bios on these posters for educational purposes. Many of the pictures romanticize war and military service in ways that would today be viewed as simplistic. Additionally, there are some racist and sexist images that may offend today's viewers. Still, overall, this book is quite comprehensive for my purposes.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where To Buy The Complete "Masters of the Poster": All 256 Color Plates from "Les Maitres De L'Affiche" (Dover Pictorial Arch

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As stated, the book contains all 256 plates. But there is almost no informational material. If you just want to know what was included in this series, this is your reference manual.
Get more detail about The Complete "Masters of the Poster": All 256 Color Plates from "Les Maitres De L'Affiche" (Dover Pictorial Archive Series).

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French Opera Posters, 1868-1930: 52 posters, Including 32 in Full Color

±1±: Now is the time French Opera Posters, 1868-1930: 52 posters, Including 32 in Full Color Order Today!

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Aug 18, 2010 11:38:05

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±1±: Best Buy Broido: French Opera Posters, 1868-1930

This is an excellent collection of vintage French Opera Posters. The color is very good. Annotations are very helpful and include precise dimensions of the posters. Whether you want to learn more about French Opera Posters or are into collecting originals or reproductions, this collection will provide you with a superb overview. If you want to purchase on the internet, the book provides you an opportunity for you to get a very clear picture and understanding of posters by a particular artist or period. It has helped me with purchases I have made and to plan for future purchases. Lucy Broido is a knowledgeable collector of original posters. Her related book of Jules Cheret posters is a good adjunct publication. on Sale!

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